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Une tres jolie porte Marocaine - A beautifull door - Marocan style
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Une tres jolie porte Marocaine - A beautifull door - Marocan style
RAPPEL : le 15 septembre la deuxiene partie du SAL du Village Global serra en ligne et prete a telecharger ici!
On the 15 fh of september the second part of our SAL will be ready for download here
Vous nous avez envoye des superbes versions, utilise des fils degrades et des toiles de toutes sortes, venez les admirer dans notre ALBUM
Envoyez-nous les votres ici
Et bientot ... un nouveau Diaporama avec les dernieres versions!!
It's great!! You've sent many versions of the first part of our Stitch ALong using different threads and fabrics. Come and have a look in our ALBUM
Send us your here
Soon .. a new slideshow with the latest versions!
And for all those who will be celebrating this week :
BONNE ANNEE a toutes celles qui vont celebrer cette semaine!!
Et a toute tous - And to all of you
Vivy est en vacances, alors je reprends la plume...
Vivy is on holiday so I put pen to paper ... ;0))
Myriam's 1st hornbook.
Not bad at all...!!!
Do you know what is a "hornbook?
In fact, it is really a book. Paper was pretty expensive once and hornbooks were made so children could learn to read without using a lot of paper. A hornbook was usually a small, wooden paddle with just one sheet of paper glued to it. But because that paper was so expensive, parents and teachers wanted to protect it. So they covered the paper with a very thin piece of cow's horn. The piece of cow's horn was so thin, you could see right through it. That's why these odd books were called "hornbooks."
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